বাজার রিপোর্ট

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Rec / Page
Showing 1 To 10 Records out of 97 Records
SL Market Date District Name Market Name Commodity Group Commodity Variety Arrival Unit Name Min Amount (Rs.) Max Amount (Rs.) Modal Amount (Rs.)
1 22/12/2024 Barpeta Barpeta Road Vegetables Assam Lemon Assam Lemon 80 Poon 250 270 260
2 22/12/2024 Barpeta Barpeta Road Vegetables Brinjal Round 40 Quintal 1400 1500 1500
3 22/12/2024 Barpeta Barpeta Road Vegetables Brinjal Long 45 Quintal 800 1500 1200
4 22/12/2024 Barpeta Barpeta Road Vegetables Cabbage Cabbage 270 Quintal 800 1000 1000
5 22/12/2024 Barpeta Barpeta Road Vegetables Cauliflower Cauliflower 270 Quintal 1600 2200 2000
6 22/12/2024 Barpeta Barpeta Road Vegetables Cucumber Cucumber 55 Quintal 2500 2700 2600
7 22/12/2024 Barpeta Barpeta Road Vegetables Green Chilli Green Chilli 78 Quintal 1800 2500 2000
8 22/12/2024 Barpeta Barpeta Road Vegetables Potato Local Local 650 Quintal 2800 3000 3000
9 22/12/2024 Barpeta Barpeta Road Vegetables Potato(West Bengal) Jyoti(White) 150 Quintal 2600 2700 2650
10 22/12/2024 Barpeta Barpeta Road Vegetables Pumpkin Pumpkin 300 Quintal 800 1000 900
« 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 »

যোগাযোগৰ ঠিকনা

অসম কৃষি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
যোৰহাট, পিন ৭৮৫০১৩
টেলেফেক্স: ০৩৭৬-২৩৪০০০১
ইমেইল: webadmin@aau.ac.in


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